Do you think you are struggling with postpartum depression? If you do, you are not alone. 1 in 5 new moms experience postpartum depression, and 1 in 10 dads do as well. Knowing how to cope with postpartum depression will allow you to minimize the severity and shorten the duration. And remember, you are not alone.
It is important to understand that postpartum depression is different than depression outside of childbirth.
While it does have many of the same symptoms of major depression, including anxiety, anger and rage, frustration, inappropriate guilt, and suicidal ideation, it also includes grief and loss. All the symptoms are connected to the baby and parenthood.
Postpartum depression has been used as a broad term for the many different perinatal mood and anxiety experiences.
Whatever your symptoms look like, the first step is to get a diagnosis from an expert in the field of perinatal mental health.
After your diagnosis, knowing how to cope with postpartum depression will support your recovery so that you can start feeling more like yourself.
How to cope with postpartum depression and the spectrum of perinatal mental health:
This might be obvious, but therapy is key. But since you aren’t with your therapist 24/7, you will benefit from having a support system.